Limiting Distractions

We are all distracted from time to time. It’s just part of the busy world we live in where our phones are with us continually and there is so much going on at once. However, being distracted can affect your child.

Your baby’s attention span can be affected by how distracted you are, most often on your device. Attention span relates to brain development. All children need to develop the skill of paying attention. Believe it or not, this starts from birth. 

Focus on your baby and their needs. If need be, move your phone out of sight or to another room. Be present with your baby. Engaging in diapering, feeding, playing, singing, and talking with your baby requires your full attention – make sure you give it to them. You can check your phone or other devices during the baby’s nap or sleep time. 

You may find that limiting distractions for your baby’s sake can help you as well!