Getting Through The Diaper Rash Blues

We never want babies to feel pain or discomfort if we can help it. Diaper rash is one of those things that can happen and we need to be ready to manage it quickly. The reason diaper rash happens is the fact that urine and stool get pressed next to the baby’s skin in their diaper. This breaks down the natural protective barrier and results in a rash often red and raised in nature. 


  • Change your baby’s diaper often. It’s normal to change your baby 8 to 10 times a day or more. If you doing this and your baby still gets a rash then you may need to consider changing even more often.
  • Diapers can exacerbate a rash especially if your baby is sensitive or allergic to a particular diaper. Making a diaper change (brand or type) may be the answer to your baby’s comfort.
  • Thoroughly wash your baby’s bottom. Not all wipes are equal and some can be irritating. So look at what your wipes are and choose another if needed. Because wipes can be irritating, and some babies cannot handle wipes, you can use a soft warm washcloth or sit your baby in lukewarm water. These could help. 
  • Air-dry whenever possible. This is a simple one but so effective for your baby’s comfort and health.
  • Make sure that diapers are not fastened too tightly. Yes, you want to have them on tight enough to prevent leaks, but you also want a bit of airflow.
  • There are barrier creams available to help provide soothing, healing, and reestablish the natural barrier. You can consult a medical professional for the best recommendations.
  • Consult your pediatrician if the rash is persistent or seems unusual in any way. 

A diaper rash can happen to any baby at any time. Being knowledgeable and prepared can help you and your baby through it.
