First Steps

Baby’s first steps are an exciting and anticipated event. Moving from tummy time and strengthening muscles to crawling and pulling up is thrilling. They can also be a source of frustration for your baby which is to be expected. While you want to be there to support and encourage them don’t get caught up “over helping” your baby. They need to be ready to move on physically and emotionally. Don’t rush the process which can often move forward and then seem to go back over a period of time. It’s all part of learning a new skill.

As soon as you see your little one rolling, scooting, and beginning to crawl you should be hyper-aware of the surroundings. You might think you’ve “baby proofed” but take another critical look. Get down on your tummy, hands, and knees looking for potential issues from the baby’s perspective. Make adjustments to the environment as needed.

Babies becoming mobile shouldn’t be left on their own – period. They can be pretty quick so being close to them to not only be ready for any safety issues but to provide encouragement is important.

Encouragement without being overzealous is a tall order. But you can do it. Use your voice to provide motivation. Talk about what they are doing. Think of it as a play-by-play of the actions they are taking giving them sincere comments. “That’s right pulling yourself up is so fun! You can do it!” Every baby will hit walls as they learn and become frustrated as well as tired. Encourage them through the frustrations without over-interfering. Soothe them when they are tired and need a break from the work they are doing. Frustrations are part of the process and they may need help from you dealing with them.

This is an exciting time for you and your baby – enjoy the process with them!