Head to Toe Benefits of Tummy Time

Did you know that there are head-to-toe benefits to tummy time for babies? It’s true. There are amazing connections to the development of your baby. Here are some top tips to keep in mind and the benefits of tummy time.

Best Practices

  • Baby awake and alert
  • Use a firm surface – while you can start tummy time for newborns on your chest as your baby grows you’ll want to move to a firm surface, typically the floor
  • Use a clean blanket or play-mat for comfort and interest
  • Baby should be supervised at all times

Tummy Time Routine

  • Make it part of your daily routine – after bath time, after burping, part of massage time, and after diapering, are just a few times that tummy time can be incorporated into your day
  • You can make tummy time part of your own stretching or yoga practice
  • Using a mirror in the baby’s sight line encourages interest and engagement
  • Include a few baby’s toys or a play-mat to provide interest


  • Brain – Sensory Integration, Environmental Awareness, and Cognitive Development
  • Head – Prevents “flat head” Syndrome (plagiocephaly)
  • Eyes – Visual Motor Development and Depth Perception
  • Neck – Strengthens Neck Muscles and Improves Head Control
  • Arms – Strengthens Muscles for Reaching and Crawling
  • Hands – Formation of Hand Arches for Fine Motor Skills
  • Back – Posture Strength, Back Strength, and Skeletal Alignment
  • Tummy – Helps with Tummy Issues (gas, constipation, etc.)
  • Hips – Stretches and Develops Hip Muscles
  • Legs – Helps Develop Muscles for Crawling